Maryland and Northern Virginia Floor Covering Association was established in 1966.
PRESS RELEASE: After spending a considerable amount of time in Annapolis over the past two and a half years fighting on behalf of the members of the Maryland Northern Virginia Floor Covering Association to amend Maryland’s Workplace Fraud Act and insure that it is fairly and appropriately enforced, and to fight against other proposed legislation that would negatively impact our industry, Chris decided he would best be able to serve the members of the Association from within. Consequently, Chris threw his hat in the ring last fall in a bid for a seat in Maryland’s House of Delegates from District 37B, which encompasses much of Talbot, Dorchester, Caroline and Wicomico counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. As well as being the current President of the Association, Chris is also the President of Value Carpet One, in Salisbury, MD (Wicomico County).
We are happy to report that in Maryland’s primary election, which was held on Tuesday, June 24th, Chris won a spot on the November ballot! There are two seats available in the House of Delegates in District 37B. In a five person Republican primary race, Chris was one of the two winners who will advance to the general election. Chris, along with fellow Republican Johnny Mautz (Talbot County), will face off against Democratic challengers Rodney Benjamin (Dorchester County) and Keasha Haythe (Talbot County) for one of those two seats in the predominantly Republican district in November.
You can learn more about Chris’ campaign, volunteer or make a contribution by visiting his campaign website at http://www.adamsformaryland.com/.