2021 – Message From the President
Hello Fellow Association Members,
Welcome to the Mid Atlantic Floor Covering Association! We look forward to everyone’s participation with your Association. As often as it is said, we are only as good as our members and we need everyone’s vast experience and skills to make us better. While 2020 has been a year like no other that anyone of us has ever experienced,
There have certainly been some positive things happen in our industry in 2020 and I expect 2021 to be full of optimism and hope. While the challenges still remain, our resilience will be the solution. Keep focused on your goals and solutions to move forward. We have already started planning for our 2021 Golf Outing on June 23rd at Whiskey Creek, MD, and hope to see you there.
One of our continuing goals is to build our membership. We need everyone to renew their membership and reach out to one dealer that they can get to join our group. As has been mentioned before, the membership is only $199.00. Again this year, Elias Wilf, J.J. Haines, and Fishman Flooring Solutions, have graciously provided coupons worth the price of the annual Membership netting the price to $0. The benefit of growing our membership is that we continue to be a preferred partner of our suppliers and receive competitive pricing on our projects. We also continue to develop and implement training programs that benefit your operations. As important, we will have a body of influence that can be represented in Annapolis to support positive initiatives or defer any negative action that may be considered. The time to build our membership is not during the battle but be prepared before any potential action is proposed.
Together, we can continue to develop our association into an even stronger group that can represent our membership and that we can be proud of.
Steve Weidner
Mid-Atlantic Floor Covering Association